New Glarus Day Trip

New Glarus Spotted Cow Logo

If  you love beer, you’ve no doubt heard of Spotted Cow, the legendary beer that is so good you can’t buy it across the State line because it’s illegal.  Yep, it’s true – Wisconsin State pride runs deep here.  So if you’re visiting Madison, it’s so worth a day trip to visit the New Glarus Brewery, where the legend began.   […]

Wollersheim Winery Day Trip

Wollersheim Winery Sign

As innkeepers, we are usually so busy running the inn and maintaining the property we don’t have a chance to go and just explore ourselves.  However, when we get a good tip from our guests, we love to take advantage of the opportunity- especially when it’s a known winner.  And sometimes it’s so good we […]

We Still Love our Madison Bookstores

The Gazebo at The Speckled Hen Inn

As technology becomes more ingrained in our daily life, there are other aspects that get shoved to the wayside. Once upon a time, seemingly forever ago, we had conversations with people verbally, our children were taught with the simple tools of a pen and pencil and we once read stories written in ink, on paper […]

Favorite Things To Do on a Rainy Day in Madison WI

It might not be spring showers here in Madison but fall brings with it a whole different type of rainy weather; the kind that can make you want to cozy up on the couch with a book and a mug of hot chocolate. Fortunately, regardless of the weather, this city always seems to have something […]