What to do on Sunday Afternoon in Madison WI

What to do on Sunday Afternoon in Madison WI 1

If you are wondering what to do on a Sunday afternoon in Madison WI while we wait for the rest of the snow and ice to disappear, why not take a drive over to Olbrich Botanical gardens to enjoy a little Botanical pick me up. I am so excited! Not only is spring around the […]

Top Madison Coffee Houses

Top Madison Coffee Houses 2

Our guests frequently ask us to recommend a couple of top Madison coffee houses.  There are several in the area that exist in spite of the plethora of national chain coffee vendors.  We hope that our guests will seek a unique local experience.   Sometimes, especially around the holidays, you just need to get away […]

Relax and Enjoy the Free Things To Do in Madison

Relax and Enjoy the Free Things To Do in Madison 3

Whether you are enjoying a visit with us at the Speckled Hen Inn  and are here for a short while or live in Madison with unlimited time to seek out new adventures, the free and simple riches Madison holds can easily be forgotten. I fell in love with this great city and its people was […]

Perfect Spots for Romantic Sunset Views in Madison

Perfect Spots for Romantic Sunset Views in Madison 4

Sunset Viewing in Madison Lately, as I walk through the neighborhood on any given evening, there are several times I have to take in a deep breath and take in the aroma of a grill prepping for dinner. Finally, I put together the fixings for shish kabobs and grilled asparagus. I even happened to have […]

We Still Love our Madison Bookstores

The Gazebo at The Speckled Hen Inn

As technology becomes more ingrained in our daily life, there are other aspects that get shoved to the wayside. Once upon a time, seemingly forever ago, we had conversations with people verbally, our children were taught with the simple tools of a pen and pencil and we once read stories written in ink, on paper […]

Best Biking in Madison WI

It’s true!  This is the time of year to enjoy the best biking in Madison WI. The time of the year has finally come in Madison, Wisconsin that you can go for a bike ride without worrying if it’s going to be too hot and humid for a comfortable ride. Madison has one of the […]

Civil War Sites in Madison WI

As we are in the midst of the sesquicentenial years of the American Civil War, we have had a number of recent guests inquiring about Civil War Sites in Madison WI.  Many people are very surprised to learn that there are a number of Civil War Sites in Madison and there are a few that […]

Best Outdoor Dining in Madison WI

Our guests at The Speckled Hen Inn often ask us to recommend a venue for the Best Outdoor Dining in Madison WI.  It’s a tough call because every year the list of possibilities grows.  Here are just a few of our favorites for the best outdoor dining in Madison WI that are pretty close to […]

What’s Happening in Madison WI at The Speckled Hen Inn

Check out what’s happening  in Madison WI at The Speckled Hen Inn right now. Our little flock of Katahdin Hair Sheep attract a lot of attention especially at this time of year when the new little lambs are so much fun to watch.  We have 8 little lambs this year and there is a video […]